About Us

The Nevada County Cannabis Alliance, founded in 2016, is a trade association whose mission is to Advocate, Educate, and Connect. The Cannabis Alliance advocates for just and equitable local policies and state legislation. We are empowering community success through education, and connecting stakeholders with opportunities to participate and collaborate.

Advocate for policies that support a sustainable local cannabis industry.
Empower success through education by providing resources for members to comply, thrive and compete in the regulated market.
Connect members with opportunities to network, and build community through participation and collaboration.
Steward regenerative economic growth and regional resiliency through new business development, job market expansion and tax revenue generation.

We are a collection of cannabis farmers, manufacturers and other cannabis supply chain operators. We are local businesses, patients and healthcare providers. Above all, we are citizens who care about our community.
We are Nevada County Cannabis Industry Members
and Allied Industry Business Sponsors.​​​